How to Remove the Hidden Link from the Plus Ui Theme Header

How to Remove the Hidden Link from the Plus Ui Theme Header
Plus Ui Premium V.6.5.xml 0.5MB

How to Remove the Hidden Link from the Plus Ui Theme Header

If you're using the Plus Ui Theme on your Blogger site and want to customize the header, here's a step-by-step guide to removing the hidden link and updating your header title.

Step 1: Access the Theme's HTML

  1. Go to your Blogger dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Theme section.
  3. Click on the Edit HTML button.

Step 2: Find and Remove the Existing Header Code

  1. Press CTRL + F to open the search box.
  2. Type <!-- Header Title --> to locate the header section in the HTML code.

You'll find a block of code that looks like this:

<div class='headInnr'>
  <b:class cond='data:this.imagePlacement == "REPLACE"' name='hidden'/>
  <b:tag class='headH notranslate' expr:name='!data:view.isSingleItem ? "h1" : "h2"' >
    <b:class cond='data:this.description' name='hasSub'/>
      <b:tag class='headTtl' expr:name='!data:view.isHomepage ? "a" : "span"' >
        <b:attr cond='!data:view.isHomepage' value='' name='href'/>

Remove this block of code to eliminate the existing header title and hidden link.

Step 3: Add the New Header Code

Replace the removed code with the following updated block:

<!-- Header Title -->
<div class='headInnr'>
  <b:class cond='data:this.imagePlacement == "REPLACE"' name='hidden'/>
  <b:tag class='headH notranslate' expr:name='!data:view.isSingleItem ? "h1" : "h2"' >
    <b:class cond='data:this.description' name='hasSub'/>
      <b:tag class='headTtl' expr:name='!data:view.isHomepage ? "a" : "span"' >
        <b:attr cond='!data:view.isHomepage' expr:value='data:blog.homepageUrl.canonical' name='href'/>

Step 4: Save Your Changes

  1. Click Save to apply the changes to your theme.

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Living My Vision, Sharing My Journey.

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