How to Remove the Hidden Link from the Plus Ui Theme Header
If you're using the Plus Ui Theme on your Blogger site and want to customize the header, here's a step-by-step guide to removing the hidden link and updating your header title.
Step 1: Access the Theme's HTML
- Go to your Blogger dashboard.
- Navigate to the Theme section.
- Click on the Edit HTML button.
Step 2: Find and Remove the Existing Header Code
- Press CTRL + F to open the search box.
- Type
<!-- Header Title -->
to locate the header section in the HTML code.
You'll find a block of code that looks like this:
<div class='headInnr'>
<b:class cond='data:this.imagePlacement == "REPLACE"' name='hidden'/>
<b:tag class='headH notranslate' expr:name='!data:view.isSingleItem ? "h1" : "h2"' >
<b:class cond='data:this.description' name='hasSub'/>
<b:tag class='headTtl' expr:name='!data:view.isHomepage ? "a" : "span"' >
<b:attr cond='!data:view.isHomepage' value='' name='href'/>
Remove this block of code to eliminate the existing header title and hidden link.
Step 3: Add the New Header Code
Replace the removed code with the following updated block:
<!-- Header Title -->
<div class='headInnr'>
<b:class cond='data:this.imagePlacement == "REPLACE"' name='hidden'/>
<b:tag class='headH notranslate' expr:name='!data:view.isSingleItem ? "h1" : "h2"' >
<b:class cond='data:this.description' name='hasSub'/>
<b:tag class='headTtl' expr:name='!data:view.isHomepage ? "a" : "span"' >
<b:attr cond='!data:view.isHomepage' expr:value='data:blog.homepageUrl.canonical' name='href'/>
Step 4: Save Your Changes
- Click Save to apply the changes to your theme.